How do we consult with our SEN pupils?


How do we consult with our SEN pupils?

Consultation with Children and Young People with SEND

The curriculum caters for the needs of all pupils.  For some pupils this involves a bespoke timetable.

Pupils contribute to their annual review/review of EHCP meeting.

The Pupil Council involves pupils in contributing to all aspects of school life, suggesting new ideas, improvements to existing practice.

Representatives meet staff from the school Meals provider on a regular basis.

Within the secondary department pupils make choices on a termly basis regarding their options for Friday Afternoon enrichment activities.

Key Stage 4 pupils make informed choices for their option subjects.

Pupil questionnaires are completed.

Consultation with parents and carers of children and young people with SEND

We are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers. This includes:

  • Initial visit to school.
  • Introductory meetings and transition visits.
  • Home school planner for information exchange.
  • Text service to parents/carers.
  • Parent/ carer evenings.
  • Meetings with other professionals – Team Around the Family, Care Team Meetings, PEP Meetings.
  • Regularly reviewed Individual Learning Plans.
  • As appropriate review of individual Health Plans, Behaviour Management Plans, Moving and Handling Plans.
  • Individual Learning Plans and Education Health Care Plan Reports support the annual review process.
  • Monthly Parent/Carer coffee mornings.
  • Parental representation on the Governing Body.
  • Parental Questionnaires.
  • Parent involvement through formal and informal consultation.
  • Ongoing discussions with a class teacher and/or SENCO.
  • Regular school newsletter (Trinity Times).
  • Invitation to specific events i.e., assemblies, fund raising events.
  • Parents as partners

The school recognises the importance of parents and school working in partnership.  There is a home school partnership agreement in place.  The school expects parents to attend parents’ evenings, annual review meetings and any other appropriate meetings.